Meet Dr. Scott

Verve Owner, Doctor of Chiropractic


Each day I am shifted a little more and awed by the ability of the people to heal right beneath my hands. It’s honestly magical. It’s so simple, you have an innate capability to express health if you just get out of the way, stop hiding symptoms and give your body a fighting chance. And that’s what I get to help folks with every day.
My job is cool.


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Dr.Scott earned her Doctorate of Chiropractic from Sherman College of Chiropractic and graduated Magna Cum Laude. She received training in many techniques including SOT, Bio-Geometric Integration, Diversified, Pediatrics, Webster and many more. Dr.Scott studied nutrition from the perspective of alleviating symptoms and achieving balance to help her patient’s fully heal from challenges as well as reach their full health /life potential. Dr.Scott continues training in these areas with special attention given to pregnancy, pediatrics and women’s health issues as well as dancers. She is particularly fond of the work she does with infant feeding issues (food sensitivity, tongue-tie, reflux, cranial nerve dysfunction, etc.) and loves to help women in their individual pursuit of a successful breast feeding relationship. She works closely with Dr. Holly and other area IBCLCs to help achieve this success.

Prior to her graduate studies, Dr.Scott completed degrees in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences and Genetics at North Carolina State University. Dr.Scott fully utilizes this education to help her patients from a nutritional and holistic perspective. She attended NCSU as a Park Scholar, the university’s highest academic honors scholarship.

In addition to being committed to health care, Dr.Scott has a life-long commitment to the arts. She most recently performed with Blackbox Dance Theatre and occasionally teaches master classes in Raleigh. Dr.Scott danced with the North Carolina State Modern Dance Company while in college. She also served the State of South Carolina as the President of the South Carolina Dance Association, board member of the South Carolina Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, board member of the Council of Arts Education President and was President of the Carolina Dance Foundation in Raleigh. Dr.Scott has a passion and commitment to serving members of the dance community as their Chiropractor. Dancers have a special need to take care of their spines and extremities and Dr.Scott has a deep understanding for the specific alterations that need to be made for dancers, professionals and children alike.

Dr.Scott has received many other honors in her pursuit to creating excellence in her own life and the lives of others. She has been awarded a National Coca-Cola Scholarship, Robert Byrd Scholarship, North Carolina’s Junior Miss and 1st Runner-up at America’s Junior Miss. Dr.Scott continues to be committed to giving back to the community and was a Co-founder of Raleigh Oak Charter School, the first Public Waldorf Methods Charter School in North Carolina. She also serves on the Park Scholarship selection committee when time allows.

While Dr.Scott loves Verve and all the kiddos she works with daily, the thing that gives her the most joy in her life is her family, particularly that handsome young man below.

Family health is my passion

Focusing on women’s health allows us to reach the core of the family and facilitate health from the inception of life. Relying on the power and full capability of the human body to heal itself is at the center of what we do. Empowering families to fuel themselves properly, care for their structure and allow their bodies to fully express innate potential is at our core. It’s simple, your body has the power to heal, it’s within you. We are facilitators of the process and guide you through a healthy, happy life.

My Story and my AHA moment

As a small town, NC farm girl, it never crossed my mind I’d be a chiropractor. The only thing I knew about Chiropractic was that they “cracked backs” after car accidents. Despite being that farm girl, I grew up with top notch dance training. (I was a total bunhead) As one might imagine, 30 hours of dancing a week for an adolescent is hard on the body. I had several injuries. But it wasn’t that simple.

I always thought I’d be a professional dancer, however, I had the good fortune to be awarded the Park Scholarship to NC State University. Not something you just give up. I went and got a Biochemistry degree (and a Biology and Genetics) and this was only after spending my first 2 years in Engineering. I had no idea what I wanted to do. The one constant was always dance. I danced for the acclaimed NCSU modern dance company and taught dance in private studios. Let’s face it, I danced more than I went to school. In my second, senior year (yes, second…if you go to NC State, standard ops, why leave?) I was injured to the point of near disability. It was a chronic injury, bursitis of the hip. In and out of ortho’s offices (a profession I seriously considered) with no answers except, NSAIDS and cortisone shots to mask the pain, not address the issue at all, I was pretty miserable. It’s a slippery slope when you start to pop 3, maybe 6 advil, aleve, whatever, per day. I wasn’t sleeping well at night, had serious acid reflux (not for the faint of heart – literally vomited EVERY morning because my stomach acid was so gnarly – warned you), had terrible digestion and bowel habits that I really wasn’t aware of because I thought that was normal and generally was a mess, at 22. Seriously? This is what it feels like to get old?

In my adult jazz class, one of my ‘students’ (they were all older than me) suggested that I see her brilliant chiropractor. To myself: Brilliant? Chiropractor? It’s my hip, not my back. Wow, that makes me laugh now, but honestly it keeps me honest about where some folks are coming from and keeps me pretty gentle with that opinion/lack of knowledge. Well, I went. Long story short, no more drugs, no more hip pain, no more sleepless nights, no more wake-up and vomit, no more misery, just plain old health – from WITHIN. Cue AHA moment.

Ok, applies to grad school, paradigm shifted forever. I got, I get it. I am changed forever. And each day I am shifted a little more and awed by the ability of the people to heal right beneath my hands. It’s honestly magical. It’s so simple, you have an innate capability to express health if you just get out of the way, stop hiding symptoms and give your body a fighting chance. And that’s what I get to help folks with every day. My job is cool.